It’s the End of the Road!
Many of you will know that alongside the blog I run an online shop selling Funky Baby Clothes and now it’s the End of the Road.
My journey started in May 2007 so very nearly ten years ago.
I started with £250 in my business account, set up my very first make yourself website, and secured my first wholesaler.
And waited for the magic to happen.
Waited for the millions of customers to come flooding my way to buy my carefully selected items.
Haha, how green was I thinking that it was that simple.
I joined my first forum and virtually mingled with like-minded people and gained much insight into the online buying/selling world.
It’s far from being an easy option, but the online community and the support that came with it kept my passion alive.
Each customer that bought from me and sent messages about the items that they bought from me gave me ever growing confidence.
I’m far from being a natural saleswoman but I loved the items that I sold and carefully selected items that I would buy and dress my own children in, making sure that it was good quality and practical for dressing a new baby in.
Over the years I’ve attended shows and local markets to which Chris has chauffeured me to. I would say ungrumbling but there was lots of grumbling.
I’ve made mistakes aplenty but I enjoyed what I did.
It never felt like work.
After lots of thinking time I’ve decided to close the doors on the online shop, but it’s not goodbye.
This blog which was originally started to complement and boost traffic to my website has become the thing that I love.
Sharing the crafts and cooking that I do at home as well as the days out in the South West is what I like to do.
I knew it was the right decision to close the shop when it started to get in the way of my blogging and the traffic started to plummet as I wasn’t really paying attention anymore.
To all of you that have bought from me over the years, I would like to say a mahoosive Thank You and hope that you stick with me on my blogging journey.
Keep an eye on the Facebook Page as I will be starting a Closing Down Sale so there will be lots of bargains to be had.
I feel sad but excited about what will come next.
Lisa x