Quirky Gifts to Buy for Him this Christmas
Men are so difficult to buy for! Each birthday and Christmas I find it really difficult to buy for Chris and like most men, he’s rubbish at giving away any suggestions. We seem to have developed our own little family thing of putting together a ‘Goody Bag’ of all of his favourite snacks, treats and drinks which is our own version of pants and socks.
Nobody wants to buy a present for the sake of buying, so here are some amazing ideas from businesses either local to us in Exeter or available to buy online.
Walnut Wooden Phone Case with Eco friendly Shell from Loam and Lore – £30.00 – This is completely compostable as well!
A Retro VHS Sleeve Notebook from Lionshed Designs – £8.00
I was only trying and failing to explain how we used to record stuff on TV when I was a kid to my daughter the other day. She asked if we were really poor!
Brussel Sprout Flavoured Gin from La Di Da Interiors – £12.50
What can I say, would you try this? I’m all for giving things a try once!
A Personalised Leather Tablet Bag from Casting Love – £75.00