Paulos Circus – Darts Farm

Paulos Circus heads to Darts Farm

There’s something a bit special about going to the circus. Is it the Big Top, the Clowns, all the sparkly costumes or maybe the oodles of sweets and candyfloss that kids are given a free pass to stuff their faces with.

It was exciting to be invited along to watch the show. The last time I took Isabelle to the circus we were chased across a field by a horse and turned up wet and bedraggled only for Isabelle to sleep through the entire show. She was under two at the time so all is forgiven.

We spotted the Big Top and the excitement began. We went in through the Big Top which was quite dark with disco lights all around and loaded up with popcorn, drinks and candyfloss. There was no formal seating plan so you could choose where to sit yourself. We were lucky to get seats at the front in the middle so Isabelle didn’t need to sit on either of our laps which was nice.

Paulos Circus

The Show

The show which was an hour and ten minutes long was action-packed throughout with acrobatics using swings and ribbons to twirl and whirl through the sky, Mr. N the funny Clown, plate spinning, trampolining, and other shenanigans.

Mr. N the clown was so funny. Mr. N did lots of really silly stuff which the crowd, us included thought was really funny. He popped out between each act and had all the kids and adults enthralled in his funny antics.

Paulos Circus

When it was time to pick a helper from the audience he picked  – ME – to hold a balloon above my head whilst he had a balloon arrow. Using the balloon bow he shot an invisible arrow that popped the balloon.

Later on in the show he picked on us again – Chris this time, was chosen to catch popcorn in his mouth which he missed. Mr N gave him another chance and when he went to throw the popcorn he threw the whole bucket over him.

We watched ariel acrobatics which was pretty amazing and similar on a swing.


At the beginning of the show, there was an act where a man and a woman took it in turns to go inside material tubes and each time they came out they were wearing different clothes. Isabelle’s face was complete and utter astonishment. She thinks that it would be cool for us to get some of the material tubes so it’s quicker to get changed.


The grand finale was called the Ring of Death which was an enormous wheel with two circles which two acrobats climbed inside and outside whilst it was spinning. I think I gasped the first time it whooshed round as I was sat completely in line for first squashing as it was so close. There were lots of open mouthes as it went around at speed with the two of them going around and around.


Our thoughts

The time went really quick and everyone joined in clapping along and laughing. Isabelle loved all of the sparkly costumes that the ladies wore and her face said it all really. Isabelle left with a sticky smile and another memory stored away of a fun family day.

Visiting the Circus

Paulos Circus will be at Darts Farm in Topsham until Sunday 9th July when they will be moving on to Newquay.

Tickets are only £7.00 per person but if you have a look around there are lots of £2.00 off vouchers. This can be applied to all tickets purchased. For more details on where the Circus is visiting next pop over to the website

If you do get the chance to go we would definitely recommend it.

Lisa x

*we were gifted tickets to the show but all opinions are our own.