Thrive – Feel Stress-Free App – Competition & Review
I was asked to review the Feel Stress-Free App which was quite apt as over the last few months I’ve been overwhelmed with feeling stressed which has affected everyday life.
My stress is attributed to being unhappy in a previous job and then starting not one but two new jobs. I’m not sure that I’m doing a particularly great job since I feel unable to retain any information which in a new job is vital.

I currently feel that I’ve lost grip on both my home and my work life. The house is a tip and we’re attempting a huge clear out of outgrown clothes, toys, books, etc. I’m starting things but not completing them which means there is ‘STUFF’ everywhere.
What I need is a huge brain dump of all the silly things that are waking me up in the night such as have I given the dog his flea treatment or did I remember to add something to the calendar. Stupid everyday stuff that shouldn’t be reason enough to wake me up.
I also really need to get organised so that I can stop fretting about the things I’ve got to do and just do them.
The Feel Stress-Free App
I was really pleased when Thrive got in touch and I’m hoping that using the app as well as giving myself a manageable to-do list will get me back on track.
I downloaded the app which was really simple. You can pop over to the Thrive site or through your app store.
Once you’ve signed up there is a simple questionnaire around how you are feeling good and bad about at the moment and the way that it makes you feel.
I’m feeling pretty good today but that could be more to do with it being my day off and I had a bit of a lay in this morning.
These were my results which say that I manage my stress well but some risk factors have been detected. The app then gives you some suggestions.
All of this took a matter of minutes and I think I’m going to use my bus ride time to complete this as I’m completely on my own (aside from the other people).
It’s a good idea to check in with the app a few times a day. Not only does it give you useful suggestions but it also tracks your progress and gives you words of encouragement.
I got a notification of a message in a bottle.
These are words of wisdom and quotes which you can reciprocate to encourage other users.
I headed to the wellbeing section which gives you loads of tips for things that can help with depression, anxiety, relaxation, and making sure you get enough sleep.
I have trouble relaxing. My brain never switches off, but it doesn’t mean that I’m more productive as I tend to procrastinate and worry about things I have to do rather than actually doing the do.
I also need to improve my sleep as this has been shocking recently. We don’t have a TV in our room but I do check my social media before I go to sleep and I also read from my kindle every night without fail. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to put a stop to either of these but I do need to improve it.
The process of asking how you feel and what you feel good about happens daily and recommendations are made based on the answers given.
Breathing Exercises
I like the breathing exercises, but at the beginning, I was finding myself urging to click on other apps or checking emails whilst I was completing the exercise which is totally not the point.
The more that I have done these exercises the better I’ve become at focusing on the exercise and zoning out everything else. This is huge progress for me.
There are several options in this section and you will either require headphones or be in a room that allows you to focus on the words. The point of these exercises is to make you aware of your surroundings which include sounds of the sea, the sensations within your body (body scan), and make you aware of your tensions to enable you to let them go.
Zen Challenge
One of the features of the app is a Zen Garden game. You have to rake between the coloured buckets making sure that the paths do not cross. I’m quite good at that and can easily do several levels at a time.
There are so many aspects to this app that also links to the NHS exercise plan which is free for everybody to use.
Goals are set for you which you can do at your own pace. One of mine was to cut down on the amount of caffeine I drink. I do drink quite a few cups of tea during any given day so have changed a few of these to peppermint tea. You can keep track of your progress as well to see how far you’ve come.
You can of course download the app for £5.99 a month by popping over to the Thrive website or via the app store.
Do you feel stressed and need a hand to get back on track?
Enter our competition to WIN a month’s access to the Thrive Feel Stress-Free App. Just fill in the Rafflecopter form below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck.
Lisa x