Happy Days Linky
Happy Days Linky – I’m really glad that I started linking up with the #HappyDaysLinky with Katy and Sian as it does help you to reflect on the god rather than dwelling on all the rubbish.
As I write this post we’d just heard of the terror attack in Barcelona where Chris and Ryan were the day before the attack. The other attack is just six miles from where we are now. We watched the news in the bar along with all the other guests with disgust at these senseless losses of lives.
It’s scary knowing how close this is, especially as we’re in a foreign country that we don’t know all that well.
Holiday – for the past week we’ve been on holiday in Salou, Spain with Chris’ parents and sister. It was much needed and we did the usual beach and pool combination. I’m not a sun worshipper at all and at times I think I was pinned as a bit of a killjoy but I cannot stand too much sun. I have sunburn and blisters to prove this theory! Actually, at the time of writing this paragraph, I was sat in our hotel room with the air-con up high smothered in aloe Vera gel with two soaked tissues on my legs to help cool my burning hot legs. I also have cleavage blisters I’m not doing a down-the-top shot for you!

Time with the teen – Ryan has been with us on this holiday. It’s likely to be one of the last as he’s way too cool to hang out with us. However, he was here with us and talked at dinner which is a step up from the usual eating in his room or not at all. As Daddy’s birthday treat we paid for a trip to Barcelona to tour around Camp Nou, the zoo, and also see the sights which they did as a ‘lads day out.
Sibling rivalry – not sure this should be on my Happy List but it does make me chuckle (not at the time). Standing in the dinner queue we have the usual:
‘mum tell Ryan to stop looking at me’
‘Mum Ryan’s smiling at me!’
‘Mum Ryan’s looking at me in a mean/rude/horrible way’
At the time it drains me, but I think it’s like a right of passage for kids growing up as I remember doing the exact same thing with my brother and sister. It seems that an 11 year age gap still doesn’t abolish this age-old family way.

Birthdays – we’ve had two birthdays this week with both Daddy’s and my mothers-in-law’ so we’ve had two gorgeous really light cream-filled sponge cakes. Being birthdays we took them out for a lovely meal and drinks at the all-inclusive hotel restaurant – ‘order whatever you like’ we cried ……… ‘No expense spared!!’
Swimming – Isabelle has Ben like a little fish this week. She’s either been in the sea or in the pool. She has armbands but she’s learned to swim with her head under the water and jump in off the side. She’s been going to the deep end of the pool so can’t stand and she’s also been doing a bit of lilo surfing at the beach.
Reunion with the pooch – Although we were all sad when the holiday came to an end, I was looking forward to seeing Charlie again. He was really excited to see us and it was great to hear that he’d had a great week of long walks on Dartmoor with his new bestie Zac. He did have a wiggy on with me which lasted from Saturday until late Sunday afternoon which I think was my punishment for leaving him.
What have been the highlights of your week?
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