My Family Life 2021 (29/52)

My Family Life 2021


My Family Life – Belle was at school as usual and Freddie and I went to toddler group. The last one until September. Actually, the last one is because in September he will be starting pre-school so we won’t be able to go to this group anymore.

Homemade scones made by the toddler

All the children made scones which were really lovely, and towards the end when they’d cooled down we ate them with jam and clotted cream. I mentioned that I pretty much lived on cheese scones when I was pregnant which then led to us all discussing what we could or couldn’t eat during pregnancy. One lady had a thing for garlic bread and another for vinegar and most boring of all was broccoli. I suppose it would have been good to crave veg instead of a diet of cheese in any form, crackers, and crisps.

Freddie went Missing!

At the end of the session, I was grabbing our stuff and noticed that the gate had been left open and Freddie was nowhere to be seen. I went down to the gate and looked around but couldn’t find him, looked all around the garden and then back inside again. Nothing. The big front gate to ‘outside’ was closed, but he could have sneaked out alongside the other parents.

I was starting to worry as I wandered around calling his name, and then as I started to feel a panic that maybe he had got outside and was wandering around the busy road, the lady that runs the group had found him in an unused room. He’d managed to let himself in there and then shut the door. When I went in to get him he was standing in the corner with his hands over his face. I thought he had done this as he was scared or had heard me calling and couldn’t get out. But no, he shouted “I hided from you” whilst laughing his head off.

Honestly, kids have no idea how much they scare you when they do stuff like that. Having said that, the alternative would have been a lot scarier.


Was a workday for me so not a lot happens other than work!


It looks like I’ve found a driving instructor with availability. It’s definitely a good time to be a driving instructor at the moment, they’re like gold dust. I thought I should mention that it’s been a while since I was a teenager but that didn’t put him off. Can’t wait to get started!


A workday and it was so unbearably hot in the office. I work for the NHS and we’ll continue to wear masks for a while yet regardless of the new rules. Having a sweaty mask face is not a good look.


Was boiling hot. Ryan came over with Luka in the afternoon as he was able to leave base earlier today so I got to pick up Belle from school solo. I would usually take the dog, but I don’t think our hairy labradoodle would have coped with the heat. It’s been a long time since I picked her up on my own and it was nice to be able to have a chat without Freddie butting in every half a second.

Toddler boy playing with a toy water sink in a tuff tray

With it being so hot, the water fight began as soon as we got home. The most competition being between Isabelle and Ryan. Isabelle came off worse as usual, but she gave a good fight.


Was a repeat of yesterday with a huge water fight.

In and out of the garden getting soaked is likely what we’re going to be doing for the rest of the summer and a great way to cool down.


Belle, Freddie, and I popped out in the morning to find a blue t-shirt for sports day on Monday. I’m so glad that we got it done and out of the way in the morning as the day just got hotter and hotter.

My Mother-in-Law came over to see More water play when Luka came over with Ryan before Ryan went back to base for the week.

You can find the rest of the My Family 2021 posts here. You can also keep up to date with what we’re up to over on our Instagram Page.

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