Sensory Play – Cloud Dough Recipe

Cloud Dough Recipe

This cloud dough recipe is a great one to make when you haven’t got anything planned using things that you would usually have at home already.

You will need:

  • All purpose flour
  • Vegetable oil
  • Oil based food colouring or powder food colouring
  • Mixing bowl
  • A tray for play

Cloud dough can be made by mixing 1 cup of vegetable oil to 8 cups of flour.

measuring out the flour for cloud dough
Getting the flour ready

To make coloured Cloud Dough, divide the mixture between the amount of colours you require.

cloud dough in different colours
Based on this ratio we made three colours so used 1/2 a cup of oil to 4 cups of flour and mixed the colour into the oil before adding to the flour.

household items to play with your cloud dough
Once mixed, add to a tray or sensory bin and let the kids loose. Give them a selection of cutters, spoons, cups and play things and let them enjoy. We used shells, pebbles, biscuit cutters, playdoh shapes, plant pots (for making sand castles) and then added some glitter which Isabelle really enjoyed.

Isabelle playinf with the cloud dough
This is perfect for the garden and any spillages can be hosed away. This can be kept for as long as your little one will play with it and will not harm them if they have the odd sneaky taste.

The dog even got in on the action and as you can see he thought it was a tasty treat.

Don’t forget to have a look at our other Crafts for Toddlers and Kids.