www.babynotincluded.co.uk Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday Celebrations at www.babynotincluded.co.uk

Today we celebrate our 8th Business Birthday and last week we celebrated our son’s 16th birthday which just goes to show how quickly time flies by.

From a little seed as they say. We’re not quite an oak tree yet, but we’re definitely past the bendy sapling stage. We love bringing new products to you and hope you will come back time and time again and even tell your friends.

We appreciate and value your feedback and opinions so if there’s something that you would like to see on the site then do let us know and we will see what we can do.

We’re hoping and planning to get out and about from behind the computer screen in and around the Exeter area with various markets and fairs. We’ll keep you posted on this.

Don’t forget that every Newsletter subscriber is entered into a monthly draw of £10 to spend on site so if you’re not already subscribed here’s the link to do so.

As well as the blog we’re available on Twitter and Facebook so pop over and join in the conversation. The Royal Baby is hot topic at the moment.

So to mark the occasion we’d like to offer you all 15% Off Everything on site.

Just add: happybirthday at the checkout.

Our Birthday Celebrations Sale includes everything from our Inch Blue Shoes to our range of Sock-Ons.

Happy Shopping x