The Bshirt Breastfeeding Top Review + Giveaway

The Bshirt Breastfeeding Top Review + Giveaway

The Bshirt Breastfeeding Top Review + Giveaway – My Breastfeeding Journey when Isabelle wasn’t what I’d expected so this time round I did a lot of reading in preparation for our third baby and felt that it would be different. Apart from the pain that I experienced I didn’t feel particular comfortable feeding in front of people and felt that I was in a constant state of undress which left me feeling all hot and sweaty most of the time.

The Bshirt Review and Giveaway

Did you know that stress can hinder your milk production so taking the time to find a comfortable place to feed your baby is advisable. Finding suitable clothes to wear is a big factor when breastfeeding, and I still think that maternity and nursing wear has a long way to go in terms of being both wearable and looking nice.

I also felt that I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on clothes that I wouldn’t get much use out of which looking back seems silly since a lot of people breastfeed for 6 – 12 months or longer so you would get quite a lot of wear out of them.

The Bshirt

The Bshirt has definitely been a key piece since Freddie was born as it’s a simple black top that will go with anything from jeans, leggings, shorts and skirts.

Unlike other nursing clothes the Bshirt looks like a normal top with no hooks or clasps to fiddle about with. It has a built in layer which you just pull up for access to your bra. As you don’t have to lift the entire top up your tummy remains covered which can be an area  that many of us are self-conscious about.

The Bshirt is made from 95% Organic cotton 5% lycra to make it stretchy. Its lightweight which is great for layering and also drying once washed.

You will be pleased to know that the Bshirt is available in several different colours in sizes from 6 – 20.

About the Bshirt

The Bshirt Breastfeeding Vest was developed by two fellow Devon mums, Lisa and Philippa who understand the difficulties that mothers face when breastfeeding in public. Essentially the Bshirt was designed to allow women to wear their pre-pregnancy clothes whilst having easy access to breastfeed. They are keen to encourage breastfeeding within the UK where current rates are pretty poor by supporting charities that promote and support women through this journey.

You can also find out about the Breastfeed with Confidence campaign and find out which local retailers, cafes, restaurants and attractions local to you are in support of this.

Our thoughts

I’m not a fan of a lot of maternity or nursing clothes because as a size 8 most of them drown me or are generally quite frumpy but the Bshirt ticks all the boxes in terms of look and fit. Most maternity vest tops that I’ve tried have been baggy rather than fitted which I don’t like.

This exceptionally hot weather we’ve had recently has made breastfeeding that little bit harder in terms of feeling hot and sweaty so it’s great that it’s lightweight and can be easily dried.

I’ve worn the Bshirt underneath clothing and also on it’s own as a vest top as it looks like a normal black top. It gave Chris and I had a bit of a giggle as when you lift the flap it is a bit ‘peek-a-boo’ but that might just be our childish sense of humour.

I would definitely recommend the Bshirt to other Mums and feel that I’m going to get a lot of use out of mine.


You can get your own Bshirt Breastfeeding Top by popping over to the website or try your luck at winning a Bshirt by filling in the rafflecopter form below.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

*We were gifted a Bshirt for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own. 


55 thoughts to “The Bshirt Breastfeeding Top Review + Giveaway”

  1. I was on a walk a few weeks back and my baby boy needed feeding. There was no bench and he was really hungry so I had to sit on the gravel path and feed. The path was next to a train track, and as the train went past the driver beeped his horn. I was so angry, my baby was nearly asleep and it startled him, it took ages to get him back off again. So, on the gravel path, next to the rain track is the strangest place I’ve fed.

  2. Im only 4 weeks in so not too many odd places. I did feed in ikea in the middle on full view of the warehouse bit.

  3. i didnt breast feed for long as midwife made me feed her when she wasnt hungry and distressed us both. SO it was basically at hospital and two weeks at home. This would be going to my sister in law if i won.

  4. I don’t have any children but would love to win this prize to donate to charity, to go to Romania.

  5. I don’t have babies but my sister is nursing my new little nephew so I would love to win for her. I don’t know the strangest place she has fed him

  6. With my 1st daughter I fed her on the top of a London sightseeing bus. Due my second in November I’m sure there will be many more .

  7. Sounds like it is a good top for breastfeeding mothers, I think my sister would have liked this one. Great giveaway!

  8. not done it in any really strange places. its random stuff like having to pull over and feed in the car and things like that for me!

  9. At the top of Ireland’s highest mountain – my little one was 4 months at the time and is an absolute superstar about outdoor activities and completely happy to feed in her sling which has been a godsend 🙂

  10. i havent breastfed but id love this for my sister in law who does

  11. The weirdest place I’ve had to breastfeed is on an Aeroplane whilst taking off to the sky’s! But baby was comforted by this so so worth it

  12. Haven’t started breastfeeding yet (I’m not due until December), but I plan to feed on demand so I imagine there will be a whole lot of weird locations in my future!

  13. i only breastfed for 3 months so diddnt really have to breastfeed somewhere wierd lol x

  14. I’m nearing the end of my pregnancy so I’ve not started breastfeeding just yet xxx

  15. Mine was hidden in a toilet. My daughter has it a bit easier (second baby on the way) but it’s such a shame that it still isn’t considered normal enough.

  16. In a re-enactment living history tent but no one was aware what was happening

  17. My little one is only 10 weeks old, but I think the weirdest place would be either the waiting room at the vets or Crown Court (not for a criminal matter, I hasten to add, ha ha!)

  18. I’m expecting my first at the moment so haven’t experienced breast feeding yet

  19. Ashamed to say it was in a toilet in a cafe. I was with my parents and they would not allow me to feed my daughter there. I had postnatal depression and was bullied into it. Never again.

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