Be prepared with a Baby First Aid Kit
Be prepared for all Baby Ailments with a Baby First Aid Kit – As parents of three kids we’ve been through everything from teething to chickenpox, and we’ve learnt from past mistakes that it’s best to be prepared for literally every common childhood illness under the sun as you’re guaranteed to need something at three o’clock in the morning when it strikes!

I’m all for treating illnesses and prevention can often be the key, but I hate taking medicines and am the same with my kids. If there’s a more natural approach then I’m more likely to give it a go.
This is a list of what we like to keep a supply of for as and when we need it:
- Plasters – loads of different sizes
- Antiseptic cream
- Antiseptic wipes
- Arnica cream
- Teething Gels and powders
- Baby Paracetamol
- Baby Ibuprofen
- Thermometer
- Cotton wool
- Calamine lotion
- An icepack (kept in the freeze)
- Cough medicine
- Cream for stings and bites
- Antihistamine medicine
- Tweezers
- Bandages
- Mepore tape
- Scissors
Treating at home
Obviously there’s a time and a place for treating babies and children at home, and if you have any concerns you should seek medical advice but minor illnesses such as coughs and colds can be treated effectively at home.
Let your instincts take over, if you feel that something isn’t quite right or is out of the ordinary for your baby then get help. There’s a lot to be said for a mother’s instinct.
You should always seek advice should your baby’s temperature be higher than 39C (38 or above for 0 – 3 month olds).
Alternative Treatments
Choosing alternative treatments such as homeopathic treatments is a personal choice but can offer relief from minor illnesses such as teething, coughs and colds and can be used by the whole family.
Tixylix Baby Cough Syrup for dry tickly coughs can be used from three months onwards to relieve symptoms – We’ve used this time and again.
Let me know in the comments if you think I’ve missed something off or if you have any tried and tested tips for treating babies and children.
Lisa x
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