Scrummy Easy to Make Handmade Chocolate Treats
Isabelle loves to get a bit crafty and Christmas gives you the perfect excuse. Both of these are really easy to make and can be done with the kids.

Chocolate Orange Christmas Puddings
I pinched this idea off a work colleague as I thought they looked really great and who doesn’t like a Chocolate Orange.
Here’s what you need:
- Chocolate Oranges (as many for the number of people you want to make for)
- A big bar of white chocolate for the topping. Again the amount will depend on how many you are making. We made 5 and used a large bar of milky bar
- Either ready made holly cake toppers or red and green icing to make your own.
- Cellophane wrapping/bags to put them in
- Ribbon for tying
We unwrapped the chocolate oranges and put them in a bun tin so that they didn’t roll away.

If making the holly and berry toppers yourself, cut these out and set to the side for later.

Melt the white chocolate and put a spoonful on the top of the chocolate orange allowing it to drip down the sides.

Add the holly and berry toppers and put into the fridge until set.

Wrap in cellophane and tie with ribbon.
Perfect and simple to make.
Christmas Chocolate Block
I’ve seen these many times on pinterest so we decided to make our own version.

What you will need:
- A square shaped tin lined with greaseproof paper. We lined ours with foil as we found the empty greaseproof paper box in the cupboard.
- Lots and lots of chocolate – We opted for three large sized bars of Galaxy, one had rice crispy bits in and the two other were milk chocolate.
- White chocolate for a bit of swirling on the top
- Toppings – We opted for Cadbury’s Snow Balls, Maltezers reindeers, sprinkles, silver balls, pink sugar crystals and red edible flakey glittery type cake toppings
Melt the milk chocolate and pot into the tin making sure that it covers the bottom.

We then melted the white chocolate chocolate and swirled it through the milk chocolate.

Bash up the Chocolate snowballs and sprinkly willy nilly on top.

All other toppings just get added to the top – perfect for the kids to do.

Pop into the fridge and wait to set.

Once set you can break into pieces and add to a cellophane bag as a lovely chocolate gift, or you could do what we did and sit in front of the telly and scoff the lot!

Enjoy x
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