Great ideas for Christmas Stocking Fillers
Opening our Christmas Stockings is our favourite part of Christmas Day. We all pile onto our bed and the kids get stuck in before the chaos of the day begins. We try really hard to make these as fun as possible with a mixture of silly gifts and novelty sweets.
Father Christmas leaves our stockings so we usually wrap these in a separate wrapping paper different to any others. Our stockings are left on the bedroom door handles (Ryan was terrified of Father Christmas going into his room) and we’ve stuck with this.
Here are some fun things we found for all ages, but we’d love to know what you fill your stocking with.
Bluerock Bamboo Toothbrushes

Bluerock Bamboo Toothbrushes – Making sustainable choices seems to be at the forefront of peoples minds when gift buying this year, and hopefully from now on. Bluerock Toothbrush handles are made from bamboo (biodegradable) with nylon bristles (recyclable) making then the perfect choice. Subscriptions or one-off purchases are available on site with a variety of colours. My kids (all three) have always had a bit of a thing for toothbrushes so a toothbrush in their stocking would give them a bit of a chuckle. Get 15% Off and multiple toothbrush pack or your first subscription delivery – Just add code XMAS15.
Plop Trumps

Plop Trumps – Yes, it’s a game with all different types of pooh. This will definitely get all the family laughing around the table.
Wooden Wiggly Worm

Wooden Wiggly Worm – This would be great for younger hands to keep them busy.
Farm Animal Meshables
Farm Animal Meshables – Isabelle loves these. You just squeeze them and the squishy bits squish through the mesh. They’re a bit like a stress ball which could be useful over Christmas.
Would You Rather Book

Would You Rather Book – Do you play this game with your kids? Isabelle loves it. So if not, it goes like this – ‘Would you rather have a banana leg or a melon head?’. It’s so much more fun than I Spy and this book will give you loads of great ideas.
Slime Play Oozy Red

Slime Play Oozy Red – There’s no getting away from slime in our house. Isabelle loves it and to be fair she will sit and play with it for ages. This kit comes with a sachet that you add water to and watch it transform into slime.
Do Not Disturb I’m Gaming Socks

Do Not Disturb I’m Gaming Socks – These would be perfect for the teenager or even man in your life!
What do you put in your kids Christmas Stocking? Leave us a comment x

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Oo I know my daughters would love the slime play! We also had the wooden wiggly worm when they were younger and they loved it 🙂
There are some great ideas thanks. I really struggle with what to put in my boys stockings each year I can use some of these ideas. Thank you.
Slime is always a hit with kids. Lovely ideas here.
I never did buy those gaming socks for my son – I do need to though as they are so apt!
Oh we have the Would You Rather Randoms book and it is hilarious! We have had endless hours of fun with that.
Great ideas for stocking fillers. My kids love playing with those squashy mesh balls when we are in shops, I might have to get a few of those.
We always go for the classics: an orange, walnuts, chocolate coins, stationery. And them a couple other little gifts. I think my boys would love the meshables.
What some fun stocking filler ideas. Our grandsons would love the Plop Trumps !