Devon Days Out – Fingle Bridge, Dartmoor.
We went to Fingle Bridge on Dartmoor.
Since getting the dog a couple of years ago we love finding new places to walk him and thankfully Isabelle loves a good walk as long as we have the following:
One of our fellow dog walkers recommended Fingle Bridge as a place to go with the dog and the littles. Lots of opportunities to paddle in the water, lots of mud to splash and splodge in, and being woodland lots of stones, twigs, acorns, and other things to fill our pockets with.
We started off at the bridge noting the HUGE pub with its lovely setting and garden.
What to do!
The route that we took was not the easiest of walks with lots of tricky areas, huge muddy patches (thankfully we all managed to keep our shoes on our feet) and narrow rickety steps to contend with.
This was great for Isabelle who at five is slightly more fearless than we’d like her to be.
Charlie (our dog) was amazingly well behaved and loved to explore his new surroundings. We kept our beady eyes out for families with food as unfortunately at only two he’s still a total scavenger and will gatecrash, steal and run!
Strangely there were canvasses dotted around the place which kind of looked a bit odd, but Isabelle quite liked looking out for them.
The walk took us a good couple of hours with a picnic stop along the way.
Isabelle found a walking stick along the way which she held onto until we found a waterfall so she sent it on its way out to sea and wonders what country it will end up in.
It was a lovely day and we ended it by visiting the pub at the start (Fingle Bridge Inn). We may even have to go back for the Duck Race which takes place in April/May of each year.
Leave a comment to let me know your favourite place to visit in Devon.
Lisa x