Lilith Loves Henry Teether Review
Lilith Loves Henry Teether Review – Having Freddie we knew that we would have the inevitable trials and tribulations that come with teething. All babies react differently to teething pain, and of course they develop and cut their teeth at very different rates.
Ryan dealt with teething quite well and I was surprised when he got his first tooth through at four months old. He would go off his food, get a temperature and would be a bit unsettled and grumpy.
Isabelle teethed for a long time before she cut a tooth and it was a tough time for all of us as it disrupted her sleep, made her quite poorly and she cried a LOT but once they started coming through they came through quite quickly.
Freddie is a bit of a mix up of both. He gets a temperature and has a couple of off days and is unsettled at night, and then out another one pops.
Teething is something that you have to prepare for and give your baby the opportunity to soothe their gums as much as possible. I’ve written about ways to help with teething previously which you can read here, but essentially you need to be armed with some or all of the following:
Teething Gels/ Powders – These are a great quick way to help sooth gums. Freddie prefers the powders which I will give him before bed and when he wakes up during the night. I also keep some of the sachets in my changing bag, but just watch out if you’re giving them when you’re outside as we had an incident where the powder blew into Freddies face!

Amber Teething Necklaces – Although I’m not onto my third baby, I still haven’t used an Amber Teething Necklace or anklet but a lot of parents swear by these.
Teething Rings and Toys – By the bucket load. A lot of new baby toys have teething parts to them which is great for your baby to have constant access to them to chew and suck. We were recently chosen to be Brand Ambassadors for the Lilith Loves Henry range which is pretty awesome. The range includes teething toys, teething necklaces, dummy clips, jewellery and amber teething jewellery. The whole range is not only very stylish but each piece has lots of nobbles and textures to ease teething pain.
We were sent a bear teething ring which is the perfect size for little hands and is a combination of silicone and wood. We take this one everywhere with us in the changing bag so that Freddie has access to it whenever he needs it.
Dummies – Whilst none of my children have had a dummy, there’s no denying that for some babies a dummy can be a good source of comfort when they most need it.
Teething Biscuits – We’ve given these a try again and Freddie seems to quite like them. We use Bickiepegs but I have also seen recipes on Pinterest to make your own.
Food – Freddie always goes off food for a couple of days when he has a tooth coming through apart from cold cucumber and carrots straight from the fridge. He loves cucumber anyway, but it’s the only thing that he will take when the tooth is just under the gum.
Frozen Food – If your baby is off there food, you could try them with a frozen yoghurt or a breast milk lolly. I’ve also made these Blueberry Yoghurt Bites (halved blueberries) which are a treat for them.

Teething Jewellery – This is Jewellery that you wear which your baby can play with during breastfeeding and chew on to help with teething pain. These are generally made with silicone or wooden beads and are quite attractive to babies like usual jewellery is.
Our thoughts
We were also given a Lilith Loves Henry Teething Necklace which Freddie really likes. He loves to chew on it which can be helpful when I need him to sit still for a few moments on my lap, but he also likes to twiddle the beads whilst he’s feeding. He has tried to feed and stuff the necklace in his mouth which doesn’t really work.
I love the Grey Bear Teether that we have. It’s a lovely size and I’m all about grey at the moment so it was a good choice for us. The teether goes everywhere with us in the changing bag and is the go to teether when Freddies a bit grumpy or just needs something to hold.
The necklace which I tend to wear daily gives him constant access to a teether and the bonus of the necklace is that there’s no chance of him being able to throw this on the floor which is a fun game that he likes to play now. I would definitely recommend the Lilith Loves Henry range as a lovely new baby present, they’re all so gorgeous.
If you have any more teething tips leave me a comment below AND if you like the look of our Lilith Loves Henry Teether or Necklace then you can pop over and buy one for your own baby which are very affordable and so appealing to babies.
Lisa x
*As part of our Brand Ambassador role we have received a teether and a teething necklace in exchange for our review and online promotion.
I love the idea of teething necklaces so practical – the grey ring teethed looks great too such lovely designs.
Oh that is adorable. I love the teddy teether and the colourful teething necklace, both really cute.
These look lovely and better they get chewed than your favourite necklace! Thank goodness we are through the other side of all that now, although losing the baby teeth seems to be just as traumatic!!
This looks really cute. And a really good idea to have a teether that can’t be thrown on the floor!
I found nothing really worked to ease teetjingeo my first and we used everything!! My second responsed well to my teething necklace though m, it really kept you happy chomping on that and his dummy was a god send!xx
Mine never really suffered with their teeth, my oldest always got an ear infection when he was teething but his teeth would never bother him oddly. I love all the different tethers you can get nowadays. x
So much as changed since my boys were babies. They have so many more products to help babies with teething. My oldest was a difficult teether while my younger one was mildly grumpy and feverish. Children are different and I like that they have different products for different babies to help with this trying milestone.
My first baby rejected dummies, my second was addicted to them. I wish those lovely teething necklaces had been around when my boys were babies!
Oh this is perfectly timed, as my friend has just literally had a baby. So the Teething Jewellery will be ideal for her x
Great blog. My 2 suffered really bad with teething. That ring looks greay and nice to have it in grey too. X
She will love you if you were to buy it as a gift x
In my experience it is a game changer when they can hold the teether themselves, so the bear is just ideal! Anything to relieve the pain of teething is a winner with me 🙂