Our Family Life 2021 (24/52)
Freddie started his new toddler group today. It was only a small group of around nine children but it was lovely. They had a huge range of wooden toys. The little kitchen area was absolutely adorable. The washing machine even had a little working drum!

The children made bread, sang songs, listened to a story, and even made felt treetops. I’ve never done felting before, but we made balls which we dipped in washing up liquid and rolled before adding the coloured felt wool. Freddie loved the washing-up liquid part, but then a little boy threw a wooden ball into the water which of course was much more fun so Freddie joined in.

He also became more than a bit obsessed with the toilets. They had tiny toilets with little sinks, all Freddie height so he kept telling me that he needed a wee so he could mess around in there.
I didn’t take the pram as were slowly fading it out and he was well and truly knackered by the time we got home. He had such a lovely time though.
This made us a gorgeous steak dinner which could beat any steak restaurant hands down. Freddie took himself off to the sofa and fell asleep which he never does!

I worked from home. Freddie has been really quiet today and he’s got a temperature so he’s had lots of snuggles with Daddy, and I’ve been popping in and out to see him. Towards the end of the day, we knew that he was coming down with something so we dosed him up on Calpol and crossed everything that it wasn’t going to be too rough.
Hmm, the day started at about 3.30 am for me this morning when Freddie covered our entire bed in sick. I had to strip him off, strip all the bedding and sheets off as well as cuddle him whilst his little body heaved with yet more sick. This is the first time he’s been properly poorly which I suppose is because he’s been shielded from all the usual germs that he would have likely picked up. At 6 am I did a job swap with Daddy so that I could get a couple of hours sleep before he went off to work.
He managed to eat a bit of toast which I think he really enjoyed. He was clingy for most of the day, but no more sickness until near bedtime when he started up again. This time we managed to get it all in the sick. In usual Freddie form, he wanted to know where the sick had come from. I told him it was from his tummy and was the food that he’d been eating to which he looked disgusted and told me ‘No, I not eaten any of that’.
I went to bed early tonight anticipating that we were going to have another rough night.
We got our first Hello Fresh Delivery today which Freddie helped me unpack. I’ve been wanting to order one of these food subscription services for ages. I love that it’s as easy as picking from a takeaway menu, and then it arrives all ready for you to cook with no more thought needed. I ordered the three meal options which we’re saving for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday which will be perfect since Freddie is ill. I’ll let you know how we get on with that.
I wasn’t wrong, and I was also supposed to be working from the office. Now, this is where working from home is literally the best thing ever! I could stay at home and work whilst being able to pop down for cuddles when Freddie needed me. Now that’s a work/life balance that all of us mums need.

The day started off okay. We have a patch at the bottom of the garden where brambles keep growing. with all the rain lately, the brambles took hold pretty quickly and there was one long one at the back which you could easily have mistaken for a prickly beanstalk. We took to the brambles with shears, and after making sure the kids were being careful, I chopped the massive one down. Only I didn’t really think about where it was going to fall and it literally landed on me AND got stuck in my hair. Belle, bless her did try to help but it was too prickly for her so I did a sort of weird jiggy dance until it fell off.
After that little blip, we smashed it and got it all cut down pretty quickly. Then we raked it into a pile where it was going to be bagged up for the tip. Halfway through raking, we discovered that we’d uncovered an area that was heaving with newts. There were all in little piles and started running around. Belle declared that they must be rehomed, so we spent the next however long using a bucket and spade to carefully collect the newts and rehome them in a different part of the garden.
That’s where the arguing started between Belle and Freddie. They both wanted to rehome all the Nigel’s (a mutually chosen name for the newts) and they were literally playing tug of war with the bucket.
We eventually got it all done and installed our old sandpit which we’re going to use as a planter. Now we just have to fill it with soil and get planting.
That evening we did something we haven’t done for ages. I cooked the kids tea early and we ate when they were in bed. We used to eat this way every night when Ryan was little and we both worked full-time. He would eat when he got back from school and we would eat at around 7.30. I got to eat my food without anyone trying to eat it or anyone trying to sit on my lap. Bliss.
Another day still at home as Freddie is still full of a cold. It is my Nephews birthday today and we were going to visit him with his present, but we don’t want to spread Freddie’s germs about.
Ryan popped in for a visit before going back to base so the kids had a water fight in the garden with Ryan and Belle going to battle against each other. Belle got soaked, but then Freddie was the wildcard who soaked Ryan from behind when he was dodging Belle.