What is Coronavirus?
Coronavirus also known as COVID-19 is a new illness that affects your lungs and airways with no current known treatment.

What are the symptoms of Coronavirus?
A high temperature and a continuous cough.
Unfortunately these are similar symptoms to many illnesses including a common cold, sickness bugs and teething.
What should you do if you think your family may have the Coronavirus?
Currently the advice is to stay at home and self-isolate for seven days or fourteen if you e come into direct contact with a confirmed case. Following this period and provided your temperature (all of you) is back to normal, you are fine to return to normal life. However, the cough may persist for a longer period.
Do not go to your GP surgery or walk-in centre unless symptoms are extreme. If you’re worried, phone 111 where the most up to date information will be available.
Stay away from elderly relatives or people with long-standing conditions. This group are thought to be the most vulnerable and susceptible. Stay in contact but make alternative arrangements for care or assistance.
Stay hydrated and treat the temperature with Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
Use hand sanitiser where soap and water is not available.
Binning used tissues as soon as they’ve been used.
Cough or sneeze into a tissue or sleeve instead of your hands.
Avoid touching your eyes and mouth as much as possible.
The prevention of spread by not having visitors and staying away from people who are ill.
Sleep alone where possible.
Do not go out – even for a walk. Shopping can be delivered but get friends, relatives or neighbours to drop it to the door and leave.
Try to keep 2 metres (3 steps) distance from each other .
Personal waste such as used tissues and cleaning wipes should be doubled bags and kept in the house for 72 hours before putting in the outside bin.
Any parent reading this, like myself will eye roll at the chances of getting toddlers and kids to be co-operative with any of this.
So how can we prepare ourselves?
Tricky, but keeping an eye out for any of these symptoms and following the above is all we can do.
Panic buying is unnecessary but it’s always a good idea to stock up on a few more cupboard bits like tinned tomatoes, soups, rice and pasta so that you can make meals without the need for going to the shops.
If you haven’t already got a thermometer then it’s a good idea to get one as a high temperature is something to look out for. A normal temperature for babies and children is 36.4c or around that. Anything over 38c is above normal and the same for adults. If you’re not sure how to take a temperature correctly then have a look at the NHS guidelines.
Make sure you have Childrens Paracetamol and Ibuprofen as well as adult versions to try and relieve any symptoms.
It’s thought that there are no benefits to wearing face masks but that’s a personal choice.
Stay hydrated but no sharing of cups or water bottles
Ride it out and fingers crossed that the number of cases drop.
Like many, I’m still breastfeeding. The advice currently is that breastfeeding should continue but to avoid coughing or sneezing over your child as well as all hand washing and hygiene precautions. If expressing milk, ensuring that all pump parts and bottles are sterilised is advised.
With the impending closure of schools and nurseries our options for childcare are dwindling. Many of us rely on parents to provide childcare which might leave you feeling ‘lucky’ but should we be potentially exposing our parents to our ‘germ-breeding offspring’ when they may be considered at higher risk.
Clearly the impact of not going to work is going to have a huge impact on everything from hospitals to the local shops, but it has to be done.
I read a post on Gransnet where lots of Grans were discussing whether or not they should withdraw their babysitting services with the general consensus being that they should for their own health. Have a read here.
Financial Implications
The next few weeks are going to be tough times not just the impact of self-isolation but there are financial implications for so many of us who will have to take seven days or more off work. If finances are a concern to you it might be worth having a look at the Governments Financial Provisions for employed, self-employed and those receiving benefits.
All information is current as of publishing but will be updated daily.
Stay safe x