What We’re doing for The Big Little Tent Festival 2021

What We’re doing for The Big Little Tent Festival 2021

This past year has been an awful year on so many levels, but we’ve also had some good times as well. Spending time in our own little bubble, doing our own thing at a leisurely pace has definitely been the highlight.

We’ve done loads of stuff including setting up a cafe for afternoon tea, made a sweet shop, had many a lounge disco and I’ve lost count of how many Movie nights we’ve had over the last year. One thing that the kids have always pestered us to do is go camping. I sit firmly in the ‘anti-camping camp’ but could be persuaded to give glamping a go at some point.

The Big Little Tent  Festival

The Big Little Tent Festival set up by the Caravan Club last year is a way of grabbing a little piece of camp life in the comfort of your own home. Set up a tent in your garden or, like us you could set up camp in your living room and join in the fun.

To join in the festival there is a downloadable pack that contains everything you need to bring the festival to you including a checklist of things you will need,  festival wristbands, bunting templates as well as a whole host of activity ideas which you could easily spread out over a few days. There’s even a chance to win a childs Raleigh bike.

Setting up Camp

So as we don’t own any actual camping gear, we’re going to set up camp in our living room with all our home comforts which is very appealing from my point of view. We’re going to get festival ready with hair chalks, facepaint and an anything-goes dress code.

You could of course drag out your entire camping kit and set up in your garden. The Festival is running over Easter weekend with an action packed schedule including a Zoom Party where you can meet the Mermaid Princess and the Friendly Neighbourhood Hero for games, superhero training, and a campfire song!

Our Festival Menu

So thinking along the lines of food we would probably buy should we be in a real life festival, we thought we’d go for hotdogs, chips and corn on the cob followed by our own version of S’mores and popcorn at the request of Isabelle.


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