#whatwedidthisweek – After last week’s coughs and colds finally lifting, normality and routines have been restored.
As it’s half term next week this week has been a bit of a drain waiting for our week off.
We haven’t really done very much aside from the usual round of dog-walking, cooking, school run, and all the usual housey stuff.
As Isabelle wasn’t at school for most of last week we had a surprise Valentine’s School disco sprung on us on Thursday. Isabelle had a great time. She made up dance routines with her friends and they’d made a pact to all wear pink! One of her friends broke the ‘rule’ so she was mad with her. So young yet so grown up.
It SNOWED! On Saturday. I tried to take a picture but it was so fine that you cant see it in the picture.
Starting Rainbows
Isabelle went to her second session of Rainbows on Saturday which she seems to like so I think we’re going to sign her up properly. We have the magazine for the uniform which is awful. I can cope with the top and the zip-up hoodie, but the wide-legged jogging bottoms are awful, so I think we’ll get the tops but pair it with leggings.
We also made these Aquabeads false nails which Isabelle really enjoyed making. Unfortunately, they didn’t stay on for very long so some are missing, and I’m pretty sure that the dog might have eaten a couple as well.
Isabelle hasn’t been out on her bike for ages so we thought we’d go along the river and get ice cream (yep come rain or shine).
It was a disaster. She learned to ride her bike in the summer but as she hasn’t been out on it for ages. She was so nervous and wouldn’t let Chris let go of her so it was short-lived, and we didn’t get anywhere near the quay to get icecream.
We’ve spent the rest of today in the warm playing and watching TV whilst the boys are out at football.
The best bit is knowing that for the next week our lives won’t be dominated by the morning alarm clock.
You can keep up to date with what we’ve been doing each week by clicking on the Family Life tab at the top of the page.
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