Blogger Board Game Club – Get Packing
We were very pleased to be asked to be part if the Blogger Board Game Club by Asmodee since this is something we can do with just Isabelle. Having a younger brother means that she craves a bit of one on one time with us, so playing a game can be the perfect way. The first game we received is Get Packing.

Get Packing
Get Packing is a fun game for 2 – 4 players aged 6 and above.
Each player has a little suitcase and a set of objects such as sun cream, a pair of pants, a hat and sunglasses.

There are a set of destination cards, and each country card tells you the items that you have to fit in your suitcase.
The aim of the game is to be the first person to fit all of the items in your suitcase first, and be able to shut it.

It sounds simple, but the items have to fit in a certain way to fit and be able to close it. The first person to complete three suitcases is the winner.
It sounds simple enough, but our first attempts were pretty bad.
There is a sheet that you can look at which shows how the items fit in which we’ve let Isabelle use the first few times. Now that we’ve done it a few times we don’t need to look at the help sheet so much.

Our Thoughts
Isabelle really liked the look of this game, especially the little suitcases. Initially she found it quite frustrating until we realised that there was a help sheet.

We played it so that once you turned the country card, you had to find the right suitcase on the sheet and pack it as quickly as you can. Once we had done this a few times it was only Isabelle that looked at the help sheet.
Isabelle thinks she’s ready to take it to the next level and do it without the help sheet next time.
We thought it was a great game and have played it several times now. You can buy Get Packing from Amazon and other game retailers for around £22.99.
*We were sent this game for the purpose of taking part in the Blogger Board ‘Game Club review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
Oh wow, this looks so fun and exciting. My kids would love to try this board game. We love playing especially during weekend.
That looks like fun. We played Cluedo the other night, I always forget how much we enjoy games are until we play them again.
I never understood cluedo. Maybe I’ll have to give it another go one of these days x