My February 2021 Favourites
It feels like there is a tiny gleam of light at the end of a very long tunnel. The last few days of February we’ve been treated to some days of blue skies and sunlight. Here are some of My February 2021 Favourites.
I’m not getting too excited about the dates of the lockdown ease and then lift. I’ll wait to see what happens when the kids go back to school and we reach a steady pace before I start looking further forward than each day.

We’ve been watched Orphan Black on Netflix which is really good. We’re on series three now, and it’s reached a definite peak of us not knowing what’s going to happen next or how it’s going to end. Would definitely recommend it though.
The kids have watched the Jurassic World animated series which I really enjoyed as well so definitely worth a watch.
Not strictly TV but As we’re on a huge money-saving/making journey, I’ve been binge-watching Lara Joanna Jarvis’ YouTube channel and have already made some changes so that we can save more money.
I like to read every night before I go to sleep even if I’m really knackered. It’s just part of my routine.
I’ve just finished reading The Day My Husband Left – it was an okay read about a woman whose husband dies unexpectedly but who left clues that unlock a family secret that changes life for all of them.
I’m also still reading Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield-Thomas which is for the business side of my brain. I love how she’s simplified her life to make everything work for her and her family whilst removing negativity.
I love a good kitchen disco whilst I’m making dinner and tidying up. I’ve been listening to a lot of 90’s music recently which the kids seem to like as well. Some of it’s a bit cringeworthy though!
Thanks to my Birchbox Advent Calendar I have a lot of new products to choose from at the moment. I’ve tried a couple of new lipsticks, but none of them have come up to the Estée Lauder standards.
I’m guessing, like everyone that you’re sick of cooking each and every meal at the moment. I can wait to sit in a cafe or restaurant and someone bring food to me. We have had more takeaways recently but as it’s one of the only ways we can treat ourselves at the moment I feel it’s completely justified.
Our fave food at the moment is a picky plate lunch. We have a selection of meats, cheeses, crackers, and fruits and we can help ourselves. This works so much better for Freddie as he’s a bit of a funny eater. He’s not a fussy eater, it’s more a case of him being in the mood to eat or not. So a picky plate gives him the option to have a little bit of something of his choice and makes things slightly less stressful.
We’re going to jump aboard the Hello Fresh bandwagon next month for a bit of a shakeup and to try some new recipes.
I’m not a huge shopper but even I’m fed up with wearing the same day in day out. So I bought a few new bits for myself in Sainsbury’s the other day with my favourite being a black tiger t-shirt.
I wear a lot of blacks and try and add a bit of colour but ultimately it’s my safety net.