Our Family Life 2021 (8/52)
Monday – Oh how lovely is it that it’s a Monday and we don’t have to bribe and encourage (I definitely mean shout) our kids through the schoolwork.
We’ve played games, made dens and just messed about really. I even gave Freddie an unplanned haircut. It was his first ever haircut and I did it!
There he was happily playing in the bath and when I washed his hair it fell down between his shoulder blades, so I gave it a snip. I’m sure that if he had straight hair it would look awful, but as he has a curly mop I think it looks pretty good.

Tuesday was Pancake Day but also a work day for me so we had them for dinner. I love a pancake with just sugar and lemon on, but of course my kids like ALL the toppings. So we had a choice of:
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Banana
- Nutella
- Sugar
- Lemon
- Maple syrup
- Whipped cream
Wednesday and it’s raining still. The weather is really setting the mood at the moment. It’s utter crap!
Thursday I was back in the office. I love working from home but it’s also nice to be in a different environment, especially at the moment. I was sat in an office with people I don’t know and it was interesting being the outsider listening to the goings on. The topics of conversation ranged from being fed up of lockdown to funerals and what they were all having for dinner.
Friday was just the usual homeschool battle.
Saturday Belle just wanted to chill in her room doing crafts and watching YouTube. Freddie and I started the planning for making my Nephews 21st birthday cake. He’s having a big fat chocolate cake so that will be fun to make.
Sunday it was my birthday – My 40th Birthday. I missed out on a lockdown birthday last year but here we are. We were supposed to go away somewhere with a hot tub with a load of cheese and wine, and just have a chilled time. Instead we took ourselves off to the beach for a walk with the dog topped off with ice cream and hot donuts.

Our kids are never too cold to go in the water. Freddie didn’t want to come out of the water. Thank god we got him a puddle suit which saved him from a total soaking. Charlie (our dog) was very protective of Freddie and kept crying when the waves came in. It’s nice to know that the fur boy is looking out for his little human brother.

Ryan thought he was hilarious turning up with a wheely Zimmer frame. Freddie quite liked pushing it and sitting in the basket and being wheeled around. Hopefully I won’t be needing it for quite some time yet!