Our Family Life 2021 (3/52)

Our Family Life 2021 (3/52)


Another week of homeschooling to get through, but so far so good. We’re managing with a little bit of bribery, and lots of encouragement from Belles teacher who sends a video every morning just to say hello and outline what the kids are doing that day.

We had a bit of upset with Belle getting annoyed with the activities that I’m doing with Freddie. I guess a lot of mums and Dads must be in this position. I do activities with both of them when the school work is finished but she can’t help getting FOMO about anything we do whilst she’s doing schoolwork.

We did manage a bit of painting for my niece’s birthday which Freddie really enjoyed.


It was my niece’s 12th birthday today. Another birthday during a lockdown. We used our daily exercise to walk to her house for a doorstep visit since she’s so close to us. It was lovely to see her and my sister.

It was also a workday for me, and I’m not going to lie, I literally skipped up the stairs. No homeschooling for me today – over to you Chris!!


All the days seem to blur into one at the moment so I have to check my phone just to see what day it is. It’s hard to get pictures of Freddie these days since he never stays still. If lockdown goes on much longer maybe we should do away with our regular furniture and set up a soft play so he can burn off all that excess energy.




Friday was my Mum’s birthday. We ordered her and my dad a sweet and savoury afternoon tea from a local company that delivers. We also used our dog walk just to pop by and wish her Happy Birthday on the doorstep.


The weekend our son was back with our grandson so it was hectic but nice that Freddie had somebody to play with.

Isabelle received a certificate which was hand-delivered through the door from school. it was such a nice thing for somebody to take their time to do it m, and at the weekend as well. It was for showing outstanding values throughout the school with a little well-done note.


That’s another week done. Another week where not a lot has been happening. I keep thinking we’ll do some baking and then I remember that thing that’s taking over – Homeschooling!

Is anybody else feeling so so tired at the moment?

Our family life 2021 - a diary of everyday life as a family of five