Our Family Life 2021 (5/52)
Another week and today is another work day but I can’t concentrate one little bit. I have a funeral to go to tomorrow and it’s the only thing I can think of. Losing someone, particularly now whilst we aren’t able to see people is so hard. Working was a welcome distraction.

It was the funeral of my brother-in-law today. Taken far too soon. It was a shock and will be for some time.
The funeral was very different from the usual setup, but I’m glad that we were given the chance to say goodbye. It was very strange wearing a mask throughout. It was hot and your face underneath literally gets covered in snot. There was no wake, no drink to toast his life, but it’s something we can do when the time is right.
It was our lovely Charlie’s 7th birthday, and not a year goes by without cake and presents for him.
Making a cake and wrapping presents for him was a welcome distraction after yesterday.
We love how he knows when presents are for him. He throws himself into shredding the wrapping paper making so much mess, but it’s all part of the fun.

Much like children, I can’t believe that our fur baby is seven already (49 in dog years). As a labradoodle, he’s a bit of a nutter by nature, but he has slowed down over the last year or so. He too is craving the attention of people other than us.
Let’s just say. Homeschooling, work, and a toddler – Day written off!
Our son comes home with his son which is always a lovely distraction. Freddie loves having his nephew here to play. Ryan’s currently working towards his A level in maths which he needs for his engineering course. I’ve no doubt that he’ll smash this if he puts his mind to it.
was just a day of playing. I had intended for us to go for a walk but the weather is absolutely shocking at the moment.
Was the first day of a week off for Chris. He works really long hours and so we don’t really get much time together so we spent the day chilling, playing, and being silly on the switch. We even roped him into a Just Dance session. Shame that I couldn’t sneak a video of him absolutely killing the dad dancing.
Like Christmas, everybody is looking forward to the back of January. It’s been a tough, long month……..