Our Family Life 2021 (6/52)
Goodbye, January – Hello February!
January felt like the longest month ever. It was the hangover of Christmas with lockdown thrown in for good measure. So what’s to look forward to in February? Half term of course. Not because we have plans but because it means no homeschooling!
Having said that, the homeschooling reigns are over to Chris this week as he’s off work. I love how he checks the teacher’s feedback every day to see if he (yes, HE) has been given any Dojo points. Apparently, we’re in competition and he thinks he’s a much better teacher than me!

Was just homeschooling and not much else. look at that hair? I know the pic is a bit blurry but he’s two and doesn’t stay still at all. I think when this lockdown is over we might need to shorten these beautiful curls. It’s ridiculous how much like his sister that he looks!
I went for my Covid-19 vaccine. I’m considered a key worker, but far from being frontline working with poorly people, I work in admin for the NHS.
I went into the building and was entered into a queue, all socially distanced using spots on the floor. We moved from spot to spot until we reached the desk where we were booked before joining the next lot of spots on the floor. At the individual jabbing stations, there was one admin person and two nurses. I was asked a series of questions before presenting my arm to be jabbed.
A short sharp prick later and it was done. I was then led out to an area where you had to sit for 15 minutes to make sure we felt well. This was the hardest bit as all the windows and doors were open and it was freezing.
I felt fine, and that was that until mid-April when I get my second jab.

We also went on a little bike ride which turned into a puddle jumping session. Fred was so wet that I had to pour the puddle water out of his boots. He loved it though so it was worth it.
My arm is sore. It started to progressively hurt as the day went on yesterday, but today it’s hurting a lot. Small price to pay for getting that one step closer to normality.
We needed to get out of the house so Belle got on with her schoolwork so that we could have a quick lunch and get outside. We were all ready to go when it chucked down so we waited until it stopped and left. We went to the quay and the kids had ice cream and I had a piece of blackberry and yoghurt topped flapjack which is the nicest I’ve ever had. We had a lovely walk and felt better for being outside.
We just a day of chilling out whilst the kids played. It was much needed before Chris went back to work.
Was a day of playing games and Playdoh. Freddie can now hold his attention long enough to play a couple of games. He likes matching pairs and the shopping game from orchard toys which are quick and easy games. Chris was back at work so it was just me and the kids.
Only one more week of homeschooling before half term.
We CAN do this x