6 Ways to use Coconut Oil on your baby + Review Cocobelle Baby Coconut Oil
6 Ways to use Coconut Oil on your baby with Cocobelle Baby Coconut Oil- We all know that babies skin is delicate and sensitive and use products as such.
Our daughter had eczema as a baby and we were really restricted with what we could and couldn’t use on her which we’ve now taken on board with Freddie.

I would say that as a starting point, the best advice was not to bathe your baby every day which strips the skin of it’s natural oils. When our eldest was a baby a bath was an every day occurrence and helped him to wind down towards bed time. It also meant that we had a structured routine every single day.
As we were advised not to bath Isabelle everyday, every third day we replaced the bath with a baby massage to help her relax before bed.
So far Freddie hasn’t shown any signs of eczema but since bathing every day can dry out the skin we’re sticking to the same routine as Isabelle.
One thing we didn’t try with Isabelle was coconut oil so when we were asked to review the Cocobelle Baby Coconut Oil we were more than happy to give it a go.
Cocobelle Baby Coconut Oil
Cocobelle Baby Coconut Oil is 100% organic and chemical free making it the perfect choice for baby’s delicate skin.
The coconuts used are ethically sourced and organically farmed to ensure a premium quality.
Ways to use Coconut Oil on your Baby
The packaging is in keeping with the product and is 100% recyclable.

Melt a small amount in your hands and apply to your baby’s skin head to toe for lovely moisturised soft skin.
Cradle Cap
Most babies have a bit of cradle cap. To help this, smooth a small amount of coconut oil onto the scalp and leave for around 20 minutes. Brush gently with a baby brush to remove the flakes and then rinse with warm water.
Baby Massage
Baby massage is soothing for a range of things such as colic and constipation as well as being something lovely to do at the end of each day to wind down as part of the bedtime routine. Use coconut oil as the massage oil which will also moisturise the skin and smells yummy.
Nappy rash
Coconut oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which can help prevent and treat nappy rash. Even better news is that you can use coconut oil if you use washable nappies since it doesn’t affect the absorbency.
Insect Bites
Coconut oil has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce the redness and swelling. Just pop a small amount on the affected area.
Rubbing a small amount on your babies gums is thought to help ease the pain of teething.
It’s basically an all round product that can be used for many things for both big and small people.
Our Thoughts
The Cocobelle Baby Coconut Oil is a nice big sized jar (250g) which is available from Amazon as well as their own site. The coconut oil was easy to get out of the jar, and melted easily in the palm of my hands before using.
Freddie has a bit of cradle cap on his head and between his eyebrows which is always worse when he’s had a bath. I put a small amount on his head and left for about 15 minutes before using his soft brush to dust off any flakes that had come away. It made his hair extra fluffy on his head which was super cute.
After his bath he gets quite chatty and smiley so it was the perfect opportunity to be able to put some on this arms, legs and tummy. I then put him on his tummy and rubbed some into his back which he seemed to enjoy. At the moment he’s not showing any signs of having eczema but it’s nice to use natural products that also smell so yummy as well.
I may have used a bit on my hair as well since pregnancy seems to have left it quite dry.
We also use washable nappies and most nappy rash creams aren’t recommended since they reduce the absorbency of the cloth and builds up whereas coconut oil is perfectly fine to use. This hasn’t been an issue so far but it’s good to know that we have something to help sooth him should we need to.
Having not really used Coconut Oil very much I think I might be a convert. I can definitely see it becoming a staple in our skincare for Freddie. It’s a huge thumbs up from us as a lovely fresh smelling multi-use product.
What do you use Coconut Oil for? Leave us your suggestions in the comments box.
The Cocobelle Organic Baby Coconut Oil is £12.99 for a 250g jar which will last ages since we’ve used daily and have barely scratched the surface.
Lisa x

Coconut oil is a great all rounder and totally natural which is fab. It is really good for gums and for teeth too as well as skin – brilliant!
Coconut oil is the best! After one of my girls was diagnosed with severe food and contact allergies, I stopped using almond oil, and moved on to coconut oil. It’s the best, even for eczema as it doesn’t feel as greasy and uncomfortable as ointments.
Coconut oil is such a good all rounder and such a great thing to have close at hand as it’s such a great baby multitasker!
Oo I’d never think of using it for teething, but my daughter is really struggling at the moment so may give this one a go 🙂
I know about the uses of coconut oil on adults but didn’t know you could use it on babies on these things as well.
Oh I just love coconut oil, it is awesome stuff! I used it on cradle cap and it worked a charm x
I love coconut oil!! I used it for cradle cap on my youngest and it worked a charm. I used the basic food one, didn’t realise you could get one just for babies xx
I love how many ways you can use this!!! I never thought about using coconut oil on my daughter when she had cradle cap! What a genius idea. I’m definitely going to be getting some coconut oil again now we’re expecting baby number 2. x
Oh what a useful post, I didn’t know about using it for Cradle Cap. My little blonde boy has it and it isn’t as noticeable because of his light coloured hair but I am definitely going to try out coconut oil.
It definitely works. Freddie had some on his head and in between his eyebrows and it’s totally cleared up x
I didn’t realise how many things you could use it for either x
Me neither but apparently so 🙂
I know it’s quite amazing x
It so is. I think we’ve all used it in some way in the last week or so x
Oh that must be tough. Our daughter had eczema for a short period when she was a baby but she grew out of it. I feel for all parents who have children with allergies x
It’s definitely going to be a staple product in our house from now on x
I know. Freddie’s has completely cleared up x