Cortex Challenge Game Review – Cortex Challenge is a card based game for 2 – 6 players of eights years and above. As part of the Blogger Board Game Club we were sent a copy to see what we think.

What’s Inside?
- 74 Challenge Cards
- 10 Touch and Feel Cards
- 6 Touch Challenge Cards
- 24 Brain Pieces
The game is quite a small box which when added to our growing collection is a bonus. It also means that it’s a great choice for taking on holiday.

The Aim of the Game
Cortex Challenge is a game of fast thinking, memory and speed skills. The cards have eight different challenges on them including touch, duplicates, logical series, mazes, and colour puzzle just to name a few.
The top card is turned over for all players to see. The first person to work out the task has to slap their hand on the card and explain the answer/puzzle to earn themselves a piece of brain.
The winner is the person to collect all four brain pieces.

Our Thoughts
This is definitely a game for us. The puzzles and challenges are really fun and Isabelle is annoyingly quick at working out the puzzles and the touch cards were really good, but hard to work out.
A bonus is that this game only takes around 20 minutes to play so can be played whilst dinner is cooking or when we have a bit of spare time.

Cortex Challenge retails at £12.99 which I thought was very reasonably priced and can be bought from all major game retailers.
Cortex Challenge gets a BIG thumbs up from us!
As part of the Blogger Board Game Club we also reviewed Get Packing and Ticket to Ride Europe.
*We were sent a copy of Cortex Challenge for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.